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What is Nikolaevinpictures.com? Nikolaevinpictures.com is the travel resource about city of Nikolaev at Ukraine. I created it many years ago...

вторник, 14 января 2025 г.

More improved sales lander on my domains

Where to land a domain?

In the domaining world the key is patience but also knowledges. One of the point of them is sales lander on a domain

Many domain marketplaces are like Sedo, Afternic (GoDaddy), Atom, Daaz, PerfectDomain.com, DomainAgents, registrars marketplaces. New marketplaces are coming. But the downside of this is that people may not trust or even know about marketplace which lander is on a domain. 

For example,

in USA more popular is GoDaddy - the biggest domain registrar in the world which provides more other features which include also domain selling. Afternic - the domain marketplace, owned by GoDaddy. And selling on Afternic means that customers of GoDaddy can buy your domain directly from GoDaddy search. If you change nameservers in your registrar pointing to Afternic, on your domain will be a GoDaddy sales lander. And if the buyer type in his browser your domain , he will may buy it with GoDaddy. 

On the other side, in Europe more popular domain marketplace is Sedo. If you're pointing nameservers to Sedo in your registrar then on your domain will be a Sedo sales lander. So people living in Europe can buy it. For example, my case I sold .info domain on Sedo to the buyer from the Netherlands and I used a Sedo lander.

So your domains must be listed on Sedo and Afternic BUT where to land your domain? Sales lander on a domain have crucial part of selling a domain. If your domain is easy and memorable then you need to think where to land a domain to offer potential buyers best experience. Several places to buy from with the contact form to the owner is the best way, I think. 

If you continue to read this post you will learn what is the way I decided to stay on it.  

Solution of a sales landing page

I decided to land my domains with the NameMaxi sales lander. Their sales lander looks like a micro site, more optimized and beautiful that any other domain marketplace landing. I moved most of my domains to there. Below I explain the main benefits and What Is It - a NameMaxi Domain Sales Lander? 

More details about a NameMaxi's domain sales lander?

Need first to say that NameMaxi related to the domain industry as useful tool for monitoring all domain auctions, available and unavailable domains. domain suggestions. generator and appraisal tool and, of course. providing domain sales reports on their site or by email (I subscribed and get domain sales reports from them every day on my email). Also this is a marketplace for tokenized domains.

Recently, NameMaxi launched their domain sales lander. As I mention it earlier in this post as a micro site, yes, a lander looks like a mini site.

Now more details:

For example, my domain Prague.pro You can check it for yourself or look on screenshots below:

Prague.pro sales lander

Prague.pro sales lander

Prague.pro sales lander

Sales lander includes:
  1. title featuring the name;
  2. image; 
  3. buying options (3 places to buy from) - Directly via Escrow.com with a discount from owner of the domain, and on domain marketplaces Sedo and Godaddy (Afternic);
  4. description of domain;
  5. explanations of why to purchase directly from owner is more profitable; 
  6. FAQ; 
  7. possibility to contact the owner not leaving the landing (in the last FAQ question About seller - Igor Mironyuk).

Price for my domain Prague.pro is $1500 on the marketplaces Sedo and GoDaddy (Afternic) BUT you can buy it cheaper - $1350 directly via Escrow.com - the independent third party company.

So you can buy on the trusted domain marketplaces like Sedo or GoDaddy (Afternic) or via the trusted third party company Escrow.com The difference is in a 10% discount.

NameMaxi allows to set any % discount. I set %10.

About the fees

Fee of NameMaxi if name sells via Escrow.com is just 5%. If name sells via Sedo or GoDaddy (Afternic) by the links on the NameMaxi lander is nothing for seller - NameMaxi takes affiliate commission from Sedo or GoDaddy for the sale of a domain as their affiliate.  

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