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Change a discount on my NameMaxi domains

As you know, on some of my domains I set a NameMaxi lander. In my NameMaxi account I can set a discount. Earlier I set a 10% discount. Today...

среда, 29 января 2025 г.

What is Nikolaevinpictures.com and how this can be useful for you?

What is Nikolaevinpictures.com?

Nikolaevinpictures.com is the travel resource about city of Nikolaev at Ukraine. I created it many years ago, in 2010. This is my blog and it related fully to my native city Nikolaev as I never liked that Kiev, Lviv and Odessa are the top travel destinations of Ukraine. I can say that Nikolaev city deserves to become 4th because this city located on 6 peninsulas what is unique from the geographical point. 

Look below.


As I write my blog on Russian language, the translation button Translate at right are available to translate all content to your language. However, I created several English pages as you can see on screenshot below.


Nikolaevinpictures.com looks like a Classic blog with many posts on the same page. That's the difference blogs from websites. 


My blog have 2 names Nikolaev in Pictures and Николаев в картинках. Name Николаев в картинках was the first, a few years later I changed to Nikolaev in Pictures but it still exists and actual. 

Nikolaev in Pictures covers all needed travel information where to go in Nikolaev. I focused on the nature places because if you will search such info in Google, you will get info of such places in the Nikolaevskaya Oblast' but NOT the places in Nikolaev. You can find what to see and to do in Nikolaev in Google but this is an outdated information. My blog provides modern tourist information about Nikolaev. 

How Nikolaevinpictures.com can help you?

  1.  If you are the tourist then Nikolaevinpictures.com is your #1 tourist guide about Nikolaev;
  2. If you are living outside of the city of Nikolaev or Ukraine generally then you can use Nikolaevinpictures.com too, only don't forget to use the Translate translation service on the blog;
  3. If you love to read books then you can read Nikolaevinpictures.com blog as well. I write posts like stories;
  4. If you need a Ukrainian travel visa or other country's visa or need hosting for your website/blog then you can go to Nikolaevinpictures.com. I have something to offer you: for a Travel Visa click on the banner under words Get Your Visa To Ukraine Or Anywhere Else; for a Hosting - click on the banner under word Hosting. After your click you will be redirected to the Travel Visa company's website and Hosting company's website. 


What are the main nature places in Nikolaev by the blog Nikolaevinpictures.com?

  1. Porozhnecha The Northern Winds Valley. This beautiful wasteland I called "Porozhnecha The Northern Winds Valley" because there is empty but "Porozhnecha" is the Ukrainian word "Порожнеча" which means emptiness. "The Northern" because this arena located behind the district Northern. "Winds" because there are windy. "Valley" because there are a huge area;
  2. The Lowland (Низменная Территория). This area located behind the district Ternovka - the neighboring from Northern. It is located in the low;
  3. Hills land - it is a hilly area near the Bug estuary and the city district Shirokaya Balka;
  4. Wonderland. Рельеф or Wonderland. Relief - it is the best area closely to Nikolaevskaya Oblast' but it is part of the city district Bolshaya Korenikha. Best for photographers, artists and simply nature lovers. Also for those who are looking to outdoor. I called the upper part of the arena - "Wonderland" because from there are a fantastic view on the Bug estuary and the city district Namyv on the opposite side. I called the lower part of the arena - "Relief" ("Рельеф") because there are many hills;
  5. Bolshaya Korenikha generally this is a scenic district in the vicinity of Nikolaev located at the bank of the Bug estuary.   

Porozhnecha The Northern Winds Valley in Nikolaev

The Lowland (Низменная территория) in Nikolaev, Ukraine

Hills Land in Nikolaev, Ukraine

Wonderland. Relief in Nikolaev, Ukraine

Outdoor in Bolshaya Korenikha in Nikolaev, Ukraine

How to navigate on the blog Nikolaevinpictures.com?

Navigation on Nikolaevinpictures.com is easy. I created my blog as a classic blog where on the one page you can open up every post to read more. 

At the top of the blog is list of pages, f icon which means link to the official Facebook page for my blog and Search field. 

At the bottom of my blog is list of Categories, Pages and also an yellow button Donate. 

On the blog also is a sidebar which includes the Translate button, my bio with social media icons, Subscribe
To Blog Via Email, affiliate banners and tags cloud. 

On the pages is no sidebar. The Translation button in the right upper corner if you're on the page. 

On the mobile you have to translate content from a homepage or a post's page to read page on your language.

On the page Press Release - Nikolaev in Pictures Redefines Virtual Travel Exploration Of Nikolaev I listed all my posts with description on English language and links to them. Look below.


How you can support Nikolaevinpictures.com blog or me?

You can support my blog or me by multiple ways:

  1. By donation on my BuyMeaCoffee page or directly from the blog clicking the orange cup of coffee and choosing number of cups. 1 cup costs $5;
  2. By purchasing services or products on sites I promote on my blog as affiliate - iVisa and Hostgator. Once you purchase their services or products going from my blog, I receive a compensation as an affiliate. On the page Affiliate Disclosure this clearly written;
  3. By buying my domain(s). You can look at my post with list of my domains
  4. If you want to donate by other payment system please write me a message here on this blog via contact form in sidebar.

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